Hi! I’m new around the blogging community and as new as I am may be, I am not new to being transparent and putting it all out there. I wanted to start Positively Broken for a lot of different reasons. The biggest one being that I always felt a bit alone in how I deal with and perceive the world. I have an incredibly extensive list of ailments that affect me physically, emotionally, and mentally. Unfortunately, at one point they even affected me spiritually.
I do my best to always find the positive in being broken. Most people don’t appreciate the term broken when I use it. I’m not really sure why honestly. Broken doesn’t mean garbage or trash. It just means damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. I think that’s ok. We are all a bit broken to some degree. We can just visibly see some people’s broken more than others. I like to talk about all of though. The good, bad and sad.
Let’s be positively broken together.